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snap the ultimate band

Snap are a band like no other , two big voices gelled into one super group .
we cover every genre from rock to pop , country to soul , swing to Ballards Snap cover them all . plus we have three amazing packages to choose from also .
1. the flush package .... just the band for hire (to suit every budget) 
2. the straight flush package ..... band and dj for hire
3. the royal flush package ...... church music , band and dj ( we also have a dj/karaoke option for the singers in you)
All packages are designed to suit the bride & grooms needs , from first dance to last we insist on your input
a happy bride and a grateful groom is all we desire after Snap has left all your wedding guests totally foot weary .
the reason we say this is after you spot our song list you'll understand it's designed to have you bopping and jiving all night long .
theres no song snap cant deliver , as we use the highest quality midi file backing tracks in stereo sound delivered  through €20,000's worth of the highest quality speakers , audio and lighting rigs . why not check out the band


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